Thursday, March 5, 2009

Charlotte's Bday

where's charlotte? char-let, charlotte! oh. asher, charlotte and elliette and rashelle and rashelle and who is that mommy right there? (ella jayne) ella jayne? oh yes. ella jayne. thats all the people. (what were you doing?) we was cutting. we was cutting. and dwawing and gluing. we was gluing too. mommy has you seen that game the nose goes zzzzz and you put the plug in and it goes zzzzz (operation?) no. the things in the boys body. in his tummy. and we gotta get them out of that boy. its called that game. its at buddy and hopey's house. (what about the picture? anything else?) yes. and rashelle and ella jayne and charlotte and asher and the paper and the glue and the crayons and and and RASHELLE and CHARLOTTE!!

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