This blog has changed a few times over the years. We are keeping a journal of his adventures and he is practicing his typing, his photography skills and his journal keeping. Feel free to leave (positive or constructive) comments - he loves sharing with family and friends!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Bottled Bodie
ice cream colored things
i'm eating ice cream. how do you talk about it, mom? (just say why you like the picture) i like the picture cause i'm eating ice cream. mom what is that? what is that colored things? mom what is that colored things? mom i want to go at the store and get ice cream. i like about ice cream with worms in it. mom i'm done talking. i'm done talking with this one. mom i want you to hold on to me. i need to hold on to you. i can't do this. you could just press the buttons now. (okay...i get it...sheesh!)